This morning she was up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6am wanting to take a shower because todaywas the day she could finally wash her hair! So this morning we have already showered and had breakfast all before 0800! Crazy!! LOL While eating breakfast she decided that we would wait to hear from the MD about her lip (which she thinks is a little less swollen today), and go out for some lunch. She even let me snap a picture and approved it for posting! I think she is starting to feel a little couped up! So if anyone knows a good lunch spot in Boston shoot me a text or email! Tomorrow we fly home and we are both excited to see our loved ones and our puppy dogs.
In July of 2005 our nice normal world as we knew it changed forever when Jordan was diagnosed with a Cavernous Angioma in her pons. She was 12 @ the time, and we didn't realize how much this was going to change our lives as we knew it.
Friday, November 9, 2018
Discharge day 11/8/18 & 11/9/18 am update...
Sorry I have been a little behind updating the blog, the last 24 hrs has been a whirlwind! Jordan busted out yesterday afternoon and we successfully made it to the hotel! As I suspected moving around with her, the luggage , and her mobility being rocky was a little tricky but we did it! While she was anxious to get out the hospital we really just traded 4 walls for a different 4 walls until Saturday am. We are very thankful that these 4 walls have a comfy mattress and a good hot shower! After getting settled into the hotel we got some dinner and she had me binge watching Jersey Shore Family Vacation with her! Not sure what made us really notice but we both started to notice that her lip seemed more swollen than it was this afternoon. Jordan had even asked at discharge if she had stitches inside her mouth that we were unaware of and they said no. This made me actually take a really good look at her lip and inside she has what appears to be a hematoma on the inside of her lip. Of course me being me, I took pictures and immediately sent the MD a email. We are still waiting to hear from them about it. Sleep was was very broken for us both last night and Jordan talked in her sleep constantly talking to Taylor and asking for her and Cory.

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Your journey is amazing. You always agreed a positive attitude is a major part of the battle. Love and prayers.